Friday, February 6, 2009

Stress is exhausting!

There is nothing like spending a day crunching numbers and problem solving to totally wear me out. Or maybe it was the magic trick at the end. Those magic rabbits can be hard to get ahold of.

The best part is lying on the couch, next to my youngest and taking a long nap! He's watching his favorite TV show of the hour and I just slowly nod off into peaceful sleep. There's something special about cuddling with your kid, esepecialy when you know he won't be doing that very much longer. It's great to be close to this person you've helped create and who you love so much! And there's something to be said for the way I fall asleep when I nap. It's not a sudden crash, just a totally relaxed drifting away. I'm not one who can take power naps. It takes about 1/2 hr for me to fall asleep. By then, you power nappers are back up and running. I am just drifting into dreamland by then and every inch of my body is totally relaxed for restful oblivian. ahhhh! It's great! Don't do it often enough, or maybe I do it too often, I'm not sure.

I used to hate napping. Didn't want to miss anything. Used to make fun of people who napped. Especially my sister. My sister can spend every afternoon napping. She is the nap queen! But then when she gets up, look out! She is moving at lightning speed. I've never seen anyone move so quickly and accomplish so much in so little time! It's amazing! She really knows how to pack some energy during her naps! I haven't figured that out, yet. I'm just a novice napper. Only took up napping since my stress level peaked last spring. I'm finding that I thoroughly enjoy it and thoroughly need it some days....Hope you have sweet, sweet dreams!

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