Friday, February 6, 2009

Screw them all!

Okay! Now I'm really angry! Didn't sleep well last night. Had another recurring dream. My jaw hurts and my head hurts. Enough! Decided that I'm not giving up my precious drill. It's a symbol for me and it's important to me! And that's okay!!! Damnit! I can't pay his stupid phone bill anyway, no matter how I figure it. So I'm keeping my drill and paying MY bills. My son's going to have to learn to adapt. He has a job. He can quit wasting his money on eating out and pay the bill himself, if it's that important to him. My almost ex will have to figure it out. I have given him at least groceries and gas money every month since he left! He has to figure this out on his own! I've got kids to care for, and graduation expenses, and bills to pay. I don't have "ex-husband" money!

It really is a "terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day," or whatever that book title is. Was supposed to meet my father to have lunch. Haven't seen him since June. He's in the city, but he's having cell phone trouble and his calls won't go through. I couldn't call to tell him I was running late so I decided not to drive the hour to meet him. Decided not to drive all that way for nothing since he'll be gone by the time I get there. So maybe I'll see him in July at the family reunion. He won't care anyway.

Okay. It's time for chocolate!

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