Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lament 1

Where have you been?
I cried out to you night and day!
You didn't answer.
I sat in silence waiting for a word
Just a word.
Still, you didn't answer.
I talk with friends and hope to hear you through them.
Still you are silent.

So do you really exist?
Have I been fooling myself all these years?
Have millions of people been fooling themselves for thousands of year?

A man says you are only imagined,
that people make you up so they will feel comforted.
Is that all you are?

I do not feel comforted.
Delusion doesn't comfort me.
I expected wisdom.
I expected guidance.
I get none.

So how do I respond to that suggestion?
You offer me no answers.
You offer me no help.
My faith withers
my hope fades
and still you do not answer.

Maybe he is right.

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