Sunday, February 1, 2009

Real life in church

To balance out the shock of my other experience this am, I was teaching the children's time about communion. I had them all standing around the table at the front. Now we have several precocious kids in our group. One has just joined the ranks of talking about irrelevant things while I'm teaching. He's about 3. His poor parents have been mortified by his behaviour in previous weeks, so his mother came up front with him. I was teasing her about all the children who have embarrassed their parents before him, and that she need not worry. So he was wandering all around, wouldn't be quiet and wouldn't pay attention. We were just managing to keep it down to a "dull roar." I told the kids about communion being when we remember that Jesus is inside us. When we eat the bread and drink the juice it becomes a part of us, just like Jesus is a part of us. At which point a school age child says, "Well the good part does. The bad stuff goes, well you know." And he motions with his hand to show that he is pooping. I thought his mother was going to fall out of her seat! The mother of the 3 year old has nothing to worry about! It's all been said and done before! I love these kids. You just have to love their honesty and genuine lives.

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