Monday, March 16, 2009

What do you do with...?

I bought a dresser from my friend yesterday. Cleaned out the old one and the kids and I are playing "round robin" with the dressers. This one looks a lot larger than the other one and holds half the amount of clothes... smaller drawers. It was interesting changing dressers. I found several things that were missing...tucked in the wrong drawer. It became obvious that I had originally moved into that dresser while my ex was still in the house. I transferred everything! Even crap I should have gotten rid of years ago. So I sorted and threw out what I don't use. I eventually came to the big landmine in the back corner of the bottom drawer... the lingerie. I have lingerie that I wear regularly, and it hangs in the closet. This is the lingerie which lovers buy for you. The kind that you put on for about 30 seconds and think, "Why did I bother?" as it hits the floor. This is the stuff he spent a fortune on and in light of our marriage, I wore maybe 5 times in 20 years! I must say he had good taste. So what did I do with these beautiful things?...I threw them away. Put them in a garbage bag, tied it up and put it in the kitchen garbage bag, then took it to the garbage can in the garage. It felt great! It makes me smile to think about it.

Had to dispose of this carefully. My children would die if they found these things. Kids don't want to know that parents have sex, let alone wear sexy lingerie. My youngest was talking to me about being made by a robot the other day. I said, "No, your dad, God and I made you." (Okay, so I choked on the word, "God," but said it anyway.) He replied, "Yuck Mom! I don't want to hear about that." I just said, "It's part of life and some day, when you're older, you'll like it." He said, "But you don't have to talk about it now!" Some day in the distant future, I'll tell his wife about that conversation.

Another step in the cleaning out process. Now if I can just figure out what to do with the wedding ring.

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