Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unpacking myself

Had a good therapy session today. Boy did we unpack a lot of deep feelings and thoughts. I told her that I feel like I am in the middle of a bramble patch. Everywhere I turn to get out, it hurts, and since I don't know where I'm actually headed, it doesn't seem worth the pain to just start thrashing through the briers in an unknown direction. She suggested that maybe I need to just sit down and look around for awhile. I need to observe my surroundings... to learn something... which will help me find my way through. It feels good to think that I need to just sit down in the midst of the mess, and quit being frenetic. At the same time. It really stinks to decide to just sit here. Tried that one other time, and my depression escalated. We'll see. Obviously a time for a walk at the outdoor mall! Will have to go this afternoon. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow. So much to think about... so much to learn! I hope I learn soon. This brier patch is painful and I'm sick of it!

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