Monday, March 2, 2009

I Had a Dream

I had a dream that he loved me,
that he would always be there for me..............

I had a dream that he loved me,
that he was my partner and together we would grow.
I believed this dream so strongly that I lived for it, worked for it,
I became it,
but then
I woke up.

I had a dream that god loved me,
That god was with me all the time................

I had a dream that god loved me,
That god was leading me on life's path and teaching me.
I believed this dream so strongly that I lived for it, worked for it,
I became it,
but then,
I woke up.

So now what?
I have many friends but still I am more alone than I have ever been.
I have many interests but still I have no idea what to do.
I had a dream...
but then I woke up to find that
I am falling into the abyss.

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