Thursday, March 12, 2009

Remind Me Not to Make Fun of People

I've learned this lesson many times in my life. Just had this one reconfirmed! "Don't make fun of other people." In fact judging others is really one of my pet peeves. I hate judgement in other people and refuse to participate in jokes that degrade people based on stereotypes. Well, you know I did, and then I became one of them. I hate to admit it, but I now own a Snuggy. Yes, one of those advertised on TV that you can wear to football games or answer the phone in. It's basically a blanket with sleeves. We have made much fun of those commercials, and the people who might buy them! "How ugly are those things?!" "What kind of stupid people would buy them?" "Who in the world would wear one to a football game?!" Of course I didn't buy this. I swear! I would never do that. And I will NEVER wear it to a football game! A friend ordered a pile of them to give to friends and relatives! This is a very kind and intelligent man! He's corny, but a good man. Of course I'm known for always being cold so..... I have a Snuggy. Don't know how to spell it, but I have one. Wore it yesterday when we had this cold front come through. I think I'll stick to my sweatshirt or bathrobe. I don't sit still long enough to wear that thing! Kept tripping on it. But I guess I can't make fun anymore!

1 comment:

Billy Thompson said...

Ah, now I can make fun of a person for these, not actors!!