Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Very Hectic Week

I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon! It's vacation time for me! I will need to sleep for a week to rest enough for this week. 12 hour days on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and 7 hours today. Five hours tomorrow and I will nap! Yea! It's been a wild and hectic week! The only thing I'm not doing this week is a baptism. Spent every day this week writing and editing bulletins. Had a meeting on Wed night. Worship on Thursday night, Worship on Friday night. A prayer vigil this morning. A funeral, a reception, and a hospital visit this afternoon and evening. Tomorrow we celebrate Easter, followed by the reaffirmation of marriage vows. If only we could fit a baptism in tomorrow! As you can tell. I'm tired, not creative and needing to go sleep for about 10 hours. My brain is mush. It's not just the time, but the mental energy which goes with all this. And squeezing in Easter bunny and Easter clothing shopping was a big challenge! Good Night!

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