Saturday, January 24, 2009

If only

If only I could say what I want to say. If only I could ask what I want to ask. If only I could do what I want to do. If only I could be what I want to be. If only.....

But walls have ears and eyes have tears. This has been a harder week than I have known.

I have a print that says, "When I was young I told everyone I had a twin sister. One day, after we had been to see the relatives, my mother told me I was too old to play that game anymore. So I stopped talking about her and after awhile she finally went away. But I'm grown up now & I still miss her and wish she would come back."

I do have a twin sister and I don't miss her..... I do miss my soul-mate and wish...

If only life weren't so complicated, so messy, so painful...

I am lonely, are you?

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