Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ice Days

Yea! We get an ice day tomorrow! It's good to have an ice day periodically. The whole world seems to enjoy an unexpected day off! Planned days off are always so booked with expectations. Unplanned ice or snow days put the joy back in life. They rejuvenate the soul. I'm sure it's hard for those who can't stay home, but for the rest of us... I look forward to sleeping in, having a late cooked breakfast, wandering over to my computer and working a bit from home. The kids will want to go slide on the ice if they can. I think I'll bake some bread. Bought the ingredients today... just in case. Maybe we'll play cards or Yatzee while the bread rises. There's nothing like the smell of a fire in the fireplace and homemade bread in the oven! Maybe I'll finish that book I've been piecing at. Maybe I'll take a nap. Maybe we'll all watch a movie together. The options are open! I cant wait! It promises to be a very homey day tomorrow... a good day for the soul... perhaps it will be a real sabbath.

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