Saturday, January 24, 2009


Some friends want to hook me up with their divorced friend. Hmmm. Have no idea how to respond to that! Dating? What is that? What do people do on dates now? Ahhhh! The thought terrifies me! My kids would have a fit! Don't think any of us are ready for that. I guess I need to move on with my divorce if I'm going to date. Hmmm. Definitely need to think about this for a long while. Right now, I think I hurt too much for moving forward. And yet I can't stay in the same place forever. Back and forth I go. My friends are thinking about a flight attendant who is involved in boy scouts. All sorts of negative images go with those two things! Flight attendant? gay, glorified waiter, stupid, woman in every port, good looking and knows it. Boy Scout? nerd, no social skills, not ready to grow up, conservative, weird. And of course those two images don't fit in the same person in my mind! And then I think, "What image does my profession bring to mind?" I shudder to think! A friend who does what I do had no responses to her profile on an internet dating service. As soon as men found out what she does, they shut her down. Not very promising! My cousin who wanted to date my sister said he'd go out with me if he weren't my cousin! Huh?!!!! I don't get it either. He's one of the strange relatives! As I write this, there's a whole flock of birds in my backyard, mating. At least someone is having a good time! All this thinking about dating wears me out!

1 comment:

Billy Thompson said...

I bet you'll know when it's the right time. Give yourself a break.