Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sitting with my son while he does his homework. We may be here for days! I just hate ADD! We've been here for two hours and only have an LA page and 1/2 a math page done. Don't know what else to do for him! This is always a trial of my patience. I guess that's how I ended up writing so much on the computer. He does one problem and comments on something in the room. I remind him to focus and he does another problem and then he talks about what I'm doing, .... on and on we go! How did children and parents survive without that diagnosis? If he weren't diagnosed, I'd be screaming and tearing my hair out by now! Instead I write, although it's hard to focus. some people say kids are way over diagnosed. Instead of questioning diagnoses, we should be questioning why so many kids have it! Probably the plastics which we just found out are so "toxic." Or the cleaners we use. Who knows? All I know is that it's totally aggravating! Can't imagine living life so unfocused! Sure wish he didn't have to struggle with it so much. He would feel much better about himself and have a lot more fun playing!

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