Thursday, November 6, 2008

A hole in my soul

I'm still playing with this, so bear with me.

There's a hole in my soul...

where love and intimacy are supposed to live.

A broken sign dangles from one end on the proverbial rusty chain,

"Danger - Abandoned Building."

There's a "black hole" in my soul

where love and intimacy are supposed to overflow.

You can't fill it.

God won't fill it.

All my joy was sucked in...

and disappeared.

There's a hole in my sole...

where love and intimacy are supposed to roam.

Raw skin oozes from the underside of blisters,

worn by too many unprotected miles.

There's a hole that aches in my soul.

A hole that I didn't know existed...

like one of those abandoned coal mine tunnels,

winding around empty, under a town.

The street above looks quite normal with homes, yards and lives.

A family lived in one of those homes... until recently.

They worked and played and seemed to love each other there.

The lilacs and roses bloomed in the side yard,

the dog chased a Frisbee up the back hill.

One day the supports of that mine tunnel gave way.

the gaping hole beneath the home facade opened up to swallow their mirage.

The bedrock of love didn't exist.

There's a hole that aches in my soul.

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