Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Why is it that I panic when the ex is angry? Why can't I do as they tell me to do, and take three deep breaths, and be calm. Why can't I be brave and just not respond. He's not married to me any more. He can't legally do anything to me. I used to hold my own through horrific tantrums. Now, he starts to yell and I go phobic! The adrenalin pumps. The heart races. I panic. I hang up the phone or leave his presence, but still I let him scare the hell out of me!

I don't want to respond like this. I want to remain calm. I hope I master that ability soon.

He just found out we are divorced. He's very angry. Why am I afraid of that? Why am I afraid of him?

"It's better to have loved and lost than to live with that psycho for the rest of your life." "It's better to have loved and lost than to live with that psycho for the rest of your life." "It's better to have loved and lost than to live with that psycho for the rest of your life..........."

I will breathe....

1 comment:

nikki said...

How can this be such a shock to him? Didn't he know it was coming? Or is he just that dumb?
Wait, you don't have to answer that!