Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day To Me! Mother's Day is a day full of emotions for many people. Those of us who have older children recall the wonder of their births and the special times together through the years. I remember:
my sons playing songs on their armpits after dinner on the back porch.
S. being sick for his first 2 years.
when E. learned to walk.
sledding at the cemetery and wishing it were closer to home.
A. looking like a little old man when he was a toddler.
E's green birthday cakes every year.
S. being sick as an infant and toddler.
giving them each their first haircut when they turned one.
S. not having enough hair to cut.
playing charades after dinner on the back porch and every animal slithered on the ground.
S. seeing the mysterious lady who "wasn't there" when we walked through the church.
E. drawing all over the pulpit and carpet with a permanent purple marker.
A. drawing on the newel post and signing his name because, "All real artists sign their names."
the wonderful smell of baby heads.
cuddling for hours with each of them as newborns.
sleepless nights through numerous ear infections.
A. and E. sliding down the stairs in hampers.
walking the creek beds, looking for "treasures."

Somewhere inside each of them
is the boy who played, laughed, and cried
whose problems were mostly solved by band aids and hugs.

1 comment:

nikki said...

I saw this today and thought you might like it...The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.
Ernest Hemingway