Friday, June 26, 2009

Spider Webs

You know how it is when you walk through the woods, and you walk through a spider web. Unexpectedly you're wrapped in sticky strings which latch on to your face, your hair, your arms and torso. Shivers run through my body when this happens. I try to get those strings off as quickly as possible, as I imagine the spider is in my hair, about to bite me. The worst part is not knowing where the spider is, what kind it is, and whether it will bite me. So I dance a jig, madly wiping my arms and face, trying to peel the strings from me. Trying to move as quickly as possible without looking like a complete idiot, I grasp at my face and pull. Still the web sticks. It won't come off. It demands particular attention to each thread in order to free it from my person.

This is how I'm feeling about my divorce/my ex-husband. I keep trying to peel him and my painful past off, throw them on the ground and walk away. Still he clings to me, refusing to let go without a fight. I am ready to move forward, to think forward, to be happy, but the web refuses to let me go. lSome day soon, I think it/he will.

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