Saturday, June 27, 2009

Borders and Boundaries

Floating in the pool,
heat radiated up from the ground and down from the sun,
all around me, the heat circled, smelling of summer.
Locusts sang in the intensity of the day... the sound of summer.
Miniature dragonflies darted around me, landing on my leg, before skitting off to the cat tail, standing tall above the pond.
The cicada, the dragonfly, and the birds, know nothing of human boundaries and borders. These lines drawn in our minds which separate people, where are they? Lines painted on the ground? Do God's other creatures know these are borders, created by humans to separate those who are different, those who "don't belong."
The ant unaware, drags it's food across the line that is no line.
The sun shines on those who live on both sides of the boundary.
The moon rises over all God's creatures.
Only humans decide who are good and who are not,
who belongs and who does not.

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