Monday, June 8, 2009

How to Make The Decision

My time is up. I have to make a decision this morning about whether to fight against the new hearing or not. I have no idea how to make that decision. Of course I want to fight it, but I don't really understand the court process enough to know what that means. Aaaaahhhh! Where is the wisdom? And don't comment that if I listen, God will tell me. God hasn't spoken to me in years.


Billy Thompson said...

Hmmm, if you do not legally divorce him, he gets nothing, right?

Kent said...

The Ex is not going to disappear and you will continue to have to deal with him, regardless. As much as I know you would like to divorce, Billy may be on to something. How long until your middle child will no longer receive child support? Could you hold out until then? If the youngest remains with you, child support is a moot issue. ...just thinking.

Mutuelle sante said...

Thanks a lot it is a good guide, now to make the decision is definitely simple with the help of your advice. Kudos