Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Been hearing from a lot of friends since I "sent up a flair" for some help dealing with this faith crisis. It's great to hear from them and hear some of their stories. It means a lot to me that they care enough to be brave and share their faith experiences. One of my friends wrote that he thinks it's all about relationships. It's all about community. We couldn't get through life without a community of people around us. I agree. Going through hell is one thing. Going through hell with no one, is the worst. I'm so glad to have friends helping me through this! It makes life bearable. One of the great things I'm learning from them is that just about everyone goes through times of extreme doubt. These friends have gone through that and come out in one piece. It's good to know that. It gives me some hope. I'm so glad I have them in my life.

1 comment:

Lander said...

You have some interesting and provocative thoughts here. I appreciate your reflections on friends and your thoughts about kissing, too. L