Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where's God

Okay, so I've had this faith tradition with a whole lot of beliefs. In fact I promote those beliefs most of the time. The fact is, I believe God is loving and sometimes talks to people. For me God has always talked through other humans. I'll be looking for an answer to one of my millions of questions and someone will say a random thought that answers that question. The problem is, the answers I get are usually related to my work, not my personal life. What's up with that? Been trying out this meditational prayer stuff off and on for years. I may be the most impatient person on earth, or I'm just not getting anything from it. "Be still. Listen. " they say. Not hearing anything. Not even a nudge in any direction. Why does this work for millions and not for me? Is it just personality? Does God work in our lives according to how God made us? Aren't we supposed to seek balance by doing things that don't come naturally? Okay, so I'll keep trying... for awhile.

1 comment:

nikki said...

my mom is having this same issue. She is feeling left out that God hasn't talked to her. Or she doesn't know it if He has. The thing is, I think God talks to her all the time and she doesn't recognize it.
How do we open ourselves up to listen to God and give credit where credit is due?
How do we know if it is God or if it is someone else?