Sunday, September 7, 2008

Checking Email or "Ode to CVS"

My friends all complain that they get too much email. I'm the opposite. I live for my email. It seems to be one of my lifelines right now. A confirmation that someone cares... a confirmation that there is life outside this miserable house... a confirmation that I'm loved, even if it's by CVS with a great deal on pictures. Actually that's not true. Each time I open that magical window of communicaton and see, "Receiving 1 of 1 messages," my heart skips a beat. "I am loved! Someone cares! I wonder who it is? I wonder what they have to say! I hope it's not work or CVS with a deal on picture printing." And then, proof of my aloneness... proof that I am not lovable... proof that I only exist to consume... proof of nothingness. "CVS Pharmacy...."

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