Saturday, October 11, 2008

living in hell with good friends

Keep trying to practice meditational prayer... and keep falling asleep. I keep communicating with friends. I keep trying to have a routine day. I keep trying to find God. I keep trying to have a normal conversation with my soon to be ex. The only thing that's working for me is communicating with friends. I thank God for my good friends with whom I can be honest and off-kilter. I thank God that they can put up with me when I don't even like being with me. I thank God that they're so generous and literally carrying me through this rough time. I can't remember who this happened to. I read it in a book years ago and have done this for people from time to time. The man's, (CS Lewis?) wife died. He lost his faith. He couldn't pray. Two friends came and told him that they would pray for him. Not meaning that they would pray for God to help him, but that they would pray in his stead. They would confess his sins, give his praises, talk with God for him until he felt like he could have a relationship with God again. And they did pray in his stead until his faith returned. I feel like my friends are carrying me in faith until mine returns. Thank God for friends.

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