Friday, October 17, 2008

The affects of violence

The soon to be ex has moved out. Been considering how stressed I was when my almost ex was in the house, compared to how I've felt this week. I was using all my energy just for self preservation. It is amazing to me that even though he was not physically abusive, all my energy was used to protect against the verbal blows. I was panicked every morning when I woke up. I was unable to do much more than survive.

This week has been amazing! I've felt full of energy, focused at work, and ready to put life in order! All because I wasn't under the stress of the verbal birage. The children's rhyme, "Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but names will never hurt me," is really not true. Words have hurt me more than I ever realized until now. What a subtle way to really tear a person down. No one should put up with it. I know that God doesn't want that for me or for anyone else.

So now I can celebrate the first week of a new life!

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