Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is It Too Much to Ask?

Is it too much to ask to not hurt anymore? Is it too much to ask to be pain free for awhile? Is it too much to ask to have peace and some semblance of a normal hectic routine? Is it too much to ask to just be? Is it too much to ask to not be the topic of heated discussions? Is it too much to ask to have people not make major life decisions based on my being an idiot and a failure?

Do we have to go there? If I knew then what I know now, I would never have chosen a public profession. I would never have chosen to have 200 bosses to please. I would never have chosen a profession where people talk behind your back and in your face about how bad you are. I would have stayed away from churches all together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just be yourself and enjoy what you do every day...