Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dating! Aaaaahhhhh!

I can't do it. I just can't do it! Too much emotion involved! Too much drama! I thought I was ready, but I'm really not. Why isn't it easier at this age? Why don't we get wiser? Why does it feel like high school again, like I'm never going to be asked to the prom, and then when I am, it's not by the one I wanted to ask? Why is it that the ones I'm attracted to, don't notice me, and the ones I am not attracted to, are wanting some long-term relationship? Why is it that?

I tried to keep things simple. I thought it would be fun to just have some dates to go to dinner, or go out dancing. It didn't really matter if they were perfect or not, just nice guys with whom I could share a decent conversation. That is not what the guys I've dated have been interested in. They want more than I can give to them. They want hope for a future with me. So now I feel terrible for rejecting them, and terrible because the men who I am interested in, don't give a rip! Any way you approach it, everyone feels terrible! Who invented this process? Why does anyone date? I'm amazed the human population has continued, considering that the odds of painful endings are much greater than the happy endings!

A friend of mine used to make her children eat one tablespoon of any food they didn't think they liked. She called it a "no thank you" portion. I think I've had my "no thank you" portion and I'm ready to quit, once again! Aaaaaahhhhhh!

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