Saturday, July 18, 2009


It's really not very comforting to have your own attorney tell you to give in before a hearing! Each hour that passes, lops another link off the chain of hours between me and Monday morning. I am breathing less and stressing more. I keep trying to compartmentalize. I have work to do tonight. Talk about losing things! I could lose my supper, which I've already eaten, over this court appearance. I wish SOMEONE had confidence in things going well. For some reason, my ex/sort-of ex and his attorney think that I'm a bottomless pit of money for them to steal. They know what I make. Just because I make enough to get by (barely with no emergencies), and he doesn't, doesn't mean I have a big chunk to give away! Are they crazy? Okay, I'm trying to breathe. It's not working. I feel like I'm about to be gang raped and my attorney is going to help hold me down! This isn't good. Did someone say "tranquilizer?"

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