Friday, February 13, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

Trying to adjust my attitude about Valentine's Day. I have to live through another one, so I might as well try to do it with ....grace? Well at least not kill someone if they wish me a "Happy Valentine's Day." Been thinking about my past V's Days. One year I left my first husband. That one sucked big time. Spent the day crying at my friend's house while she had a party downstairs. The best days were making babies! We may our first son on V's Day. I had the flu and so we had no plans for a date. I felt good enough to go out at the last minute. We went out to Denny's! It was the only place without a long line and I couldn't be out long enough to stand in line. It was lousy, of course! So... we went home and made my oldest. I don't remember the sex, just the great kid that came as a result! I am utterly thrilled with the result of that V's Day. Another year, we were camping with my parents for the weekend. We thought, "We won't be making any babies this year!" My oldest was sleeping in a tent with us. He was just over a year and wild as could be. Ran every time his feet hit the ground. We had to keep putting him in the car and letting him play with all the buttons just so we could take short breaks from running after him! Anyway, the long and short of it is that I was about 5 days pregnant at the time. So that was another good year for V's Day! I can at least count two of them as good. The rest were not remarkable, forgettable, totally not worth crap. What happened? Oh yah, I had a jerk of a husband and I didn't even realize it!

I really have to stop doing that negative thinking. For today, I think it's a lost cause to even try. I guess I'll just ride this terrible attitude! Just don't wish me a "Happy Valentine's Day." I might have to hurt you!


Billy Thompson said...


nikki said...

Then happy Day of having conceived your first child. Can I wish you that?