Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Emergency contact

So who do divorced people put down on those damn medical forms when they ask for an emergency contact person? It's one of those questions that always catches me off guard and depresses me. I know the info is important, but do they have any idea how that hits someone getting a divorce? I still don't know how to answer it. I put a different person every time! Makes me wonder. What would we do if I had an emergency? I really don't know! My son is 18 but I'm not trusting him with my wallet, let alone my life! I just have this horrible picture in my mind of being in an ER and having no one! "Oh no one cares about that woman in room 10. We can let her die." I know I'm being a bit extreme but I still don't know the answer to the question! Of course I don't know the answer to a lot of questions!

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