Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hey! I just discovered yesterday that I had energy! I mean real energy! About half as much as my normal, but enough that I came home from work and actually felt like I could vacuum and cook dinner and get through the night! I was exhausted enough afterward to fall asleep, but this is a huge improvement! The depression must be lifting! Wahoo!!!! The molasses is only 1 ft. deep instead of 3! I am overcome by actually feeling good today! I have to give a lot of credit to my renewed friendship with A. He's inspiring me. He's going through a lot right now. Somehow he's figured out how to change his entire life and feel good about looking forward! I'm amazed, impressed and totally inspired! A., hat's off to you! You are a great friend and an inspiring person! Thank you! I actually believe that I'll live through this and have a good life sometime down the road. It's been a very long time since I have felt hope. That's what it's all about... hope. Can't live without it, but I've been putting one foot in front of the other looking to find it. Damn! It's been a long, hard year! I am actually thinking that things can get better.

1 comment:

nikki said...

I wold like to borrow some of that energy. I have none. :)
But it is a pregnant girl thing.
I know it will get better.