Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Can This Be?

I must blog today. My brain and heart hurt. I don't know if I'm panicking or sad, or both. My ex/husband, whatever he is, fell off a ladder yesterday and broke his pelvis and tail bone. I am furious with him! I am thinking he's done this in his subconscious to force me to care for him. I'm thinking that his grandfather, who my ex idolized, fell and broke his back in his 40's and wasn't able to work or earn a decent living for the rest of his life. I'm thinking that I can't stand to be in the room with him for more than 5 minutes! I'm thinking that he has no one, NO ONE to be at the hospital with him, to advocate for him, to care for him. I feel trapped in this mess of pain.


nikki said...

Where are all the people who sat at graduation with him and ignored you? They could be here to take care of him. How about the people who are encouraging him to fight the divorce? They should be there for him.
Just some thoughts.

Billy Thompson said...

He won't die if you're not there. He made his bed, let him lie in it.