Sunday, November 9, 2008

Need your faith stories

When I went to church today, all sorts of things went wrong. It was like something strange was in the air, infecting everyone. I won't go into details, but let me say that with all my questioning of God's existence, I saw God at work. Some amazing things happened! I think God inspired a whole lot of people to do some profound ministry! There in lies my dilemma. Why do I see God at work in the church (sometimes), but not in my personal life? Why do I feel inspired when I need to teach something, but hear nothing when I'm praying for guidance in my personal life?

Here's what I need from you, if you don't mind. Send me your faith stories. Don't tell me some theological jargon about what people should and shouldn't believe. Tell me your experience of God. Do you feel that God guides you? Do you feel that God is absent from personal involvement? What do you experience, and from your experience, what do you believe? If you'll put these in the "comments,"that would really be helpful to me and to others. I don't give this address out to people so there are few of you to comment, but if you would I would be eternally grateful!!!


Billy Thompson said...

So many questions, jeesh.

This may sound like a broken record by now, but I see God in the little things. Ever see the commercial where someone sees a stranger perform a random act of kindness, and it keeps getting passed on until you realize it's a full circle? That's where I see God, in all the small things we do and see others doing. And to answer your question, I have to watch careful to find God in our everyday world. As to your second question, I know we learn more when we are teaching others than when being taught. Maybe it forces us to look at problems from another's perspective. God is completely in the personal involvement, that's where he lives. By working with other people, I learn more about myself, and perhaps a little more about what God wants me to be. I learn through both the mistakes and the successes. Once again, you just have to pay attention.


nikki said...

please see my blog for faith story.